

Waiting kinda sucks. But when you really think about the word it's confusing.  Sometimes we are waiting without realizing it. Like I am waiting till I graduate, but I am waiting for so many other things at the same time that are pressing right now. For instance, did I get an A on the test I took today, I am waiting for that.  Somethings we wait for don't have the capability to consume our thoughts.  Somethings we wait for don't matter so much to us. Like when you apply to a school you don't want to go to, and your waiting to see if you got that scholarship you don't really want.  The worst waiting however is the kind that has no deadline or time frame, and it consumes us. Maybe you don't realize the effect of waiting.  Sometimes we wait for big things, like marriage, or a job, or a family.  Those things don't normally consume me though. They are too far in the distance. The things we wait for tell us about our lives and ourselves.  The waiting that consumes us, show us our desires.

Our willingness to wait reveals the object we are waiting for.
-Charles Stanley (Based off of Isaiah 64:4)

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