
Spiritual Warfare and Faith

Listening Prayer

Tonight I had the opportunity to spend time in prayer with a friend that is going through spiritual warfare.  I talked with him about the experiences he is having. While listening to the stories, I was asking to hear from the Spirit. The Spirit spoke and I was dreading what God was asking of me.  He told me," take his hand and pray".  I didn't know him that well and I was nervous about it. But I did it.  I've been praying that I would not quench the Spirit, as commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:19.  I sat down held his hands and listened to the Lord.  In prayer with another person, I have a tendency to feel things, anxiety, stress, pain, and other feelings.  With my hands in his, I entered prayer feeling tension. Then I saw evil images, and eventually felt pain emotionally and physically.  Tears rushed to my eyes at the pain he was enduring.  Then the Lord sent the word fortress into my head.  We sat for about 15 minutes in silence as I focused on the Lord. As the prayer was near over a peace came over me.  It literally flowed through me.  My body relaxed my hands became loose in his.  I ended the prayer and went searching for fortress in the Bible. We ended up with Psalm 18. I read it aloud to him.  He smiled and laughed like he knew it was speaking into his heart.  I was happy to help, but I really didn't do anything, God gave me a word and I used his Word to find it. The Lord will have His way with or without us. The Lord has lit a fire inside of me, and tonight I let it burn wild.  There is a war all around us, and we were Sent here for a reason.  Together I believe we can bring His Kingdom down to this desolate earth. Tonight was a small step, but there is more brewing I can feel it.

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