

January 5th
I hardly believe how the Spirit sends chills all around my body. It reaches my toes in combat boots in a hot room, so close to the people next to me our shoulders are touching.  My body is acting as if its cold, leaving the hairs on my arms and legs raised.  But I am not cold, maybe fear is sneaking around sending signals and mechanisms commanding the chills. Like the fear of the words and truth being spoken is changing the paradigms I know too well.  Change is scary.  I fear it, the words of the Gospel turning the world upside down.
 Tonight in my presence I am witnessing God's army at work.  We sit together learning and preparing for so much more than we could ever imagine. (Habakkuk 1:5). That God has designed each of us for a purpose so beyond all of comparison to one another.  Each moment in our life He is building a masterful statue. From where we stand nothing makes sense, until the Lord himself smoothes the crevices creating a craft so pleasing to His eyes, even we cannot complain.  Let these little minds understand this, and let our lives reflect our comprehension.  We are rising from the ashes of our old disgusting self as new creations dancing and happy.  We see this perfectly in our life masterpiece God is crafting together with unlikely materials.  He paints with the precious blood of Christ. We become something special to God, because we are becoming like his only Son.  The blood that runs through us is shifting to something new, and it breaks through our heart of stone and it is shattering and is slowly replaced by a new live one. And Jesus's blood fills us. Then we can experience who we were meant to be whole, and happy, and real.  What a wonderful masterpiece God is making.

Habakkuk 1:5
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.

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