
Goals are good.

It isn't quite new years yet, but it's time for some good ole fashion goal setting.  After a break up you start thinking about what you really want and who you really are. You start pondering the universe and being more critical at the mirror.  Questioning every move you make and replaying certain parts. And well with all that going on it's a wonder I have time to write at all.  But alas, I am here again after a long break.  Well, well.
Goals. Here we go.
Run the Krispy Kreme Challenge: It isn't too far fetched.  I definitely need a lot of work to run 5 miles and eat a dozen doughnuts in 1 hour.  I have been running three times a week. I run about three or so miles three times a week.  I need to speed up my pace, but I have till February 8th.  Heres to running and barfing all in a hour.
Two A's: Nursing school isn't easy yall.  I really have to work hard, but I want two A's again.  It's doable. I know I have an A in at least one class. I just need one more.
Travel for the summer: I am not sure where I am going. But I want to go somewhere. I hope it is out of the country!
Certified Nursing Assistant test: I really need to take the CNA test.  I'd like to take the exam and get a CNA job for the summer.  This would mean I get some experience, money, and network.

Whew.. that is a lot to do...

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