
You’re Beautiful by Phil Wickham

“I see You there hanging on a tree
You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me
Now You are sitting on Your heavenly throne
Soon we will be coming home
You’re beautiful”
~You’re Beautiful, Phil Wickham

Fogged Glass

There on the other side of the window
I'm no longer in control
All I can do is wait
You're there but you're much further than the day I met you
On the other side of the glass
Hands pressed tightly and fogged glass
Anxiously I still wait
You go about you're life
Three years have passed
I'll never know if I cross your mind
but you stay on mine

You look the same to me
Still so charming
Confident and happy
You may be a different person
But to me you are still the same
Still alive through it all
I've thought of you often through the years
It didn't matter if I was with someone else
I could never rid of the thought of us
Silly and strange but true
I'm waiting on a miracle

Your young memories are vivid
Especially the firsts
You were my first
The first to make me feel special
And to make me feel lovely
To say I am beautiful
And to care about me like a man should
Smart and confident
You looked at only me
Those blue eyes on mine
God you were handsome


Living out a song

You know those songs you hear that take you to a different time in your life.  You can close your eyes and see the exact place you were when the song connected what you heard and how you felt.  Somehow the words or the music is intertwined in your memories-- all tied together.  A few chords can trigger a tangent in your day.  Depending on which memory is evoked, it may be painful or happy or maybe you're not sure how you feel.

I have hundreds of these songs.  One in particular brings me back to summer nights in the Blue Ridge mountains.  Cool nights and soft breezes. My hair down and long, blowing in the wind.  It was just me looking up at the stars.  God, it was beautiful.  Some of my favorite moments include being alone, gazing at something beautiful and smiling.  Smiling because life can be so beautiful.  Smiling because I am overwhelmed at my luck in the world; that I am sitting and staring at something so amazing I couldn't fathom it's creation.  That night I was smiling at the trees, the stars, the sound of the wind, the the reflection of the moon on the lake, my toes on an old wooden bench, my long and cozy sweater. Makes me want to go back there and live it all again.  I can even feel my hope.  I had just finished my freshman year of college, so naive and innocent.  At that time I'd never been in a relationship with a boy, lived in an apartment, had a broken heart, or broke another's heart.  I remember thinking I could sit there forever staring at the creation of God.  I was young. I was happy.  I was living out a song.


Tattoo of a hopeless romantic.

Take a note. A note that was written to you on a first encounter with your future husband or possibly the last encounter before the phrase "I do". Tattoo it before your wedding day, and keep it hidden until you walk down the isle. He'll see it on you in his hand writing.  Wouldn't that be beautiful?  I'm saving notes.

I found this idea on tumblr.